Advanced Sutureless Amniotic Membrane Pterygiectomy
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Say Goodbye to your Pterygium
Understanding Pterygium
Pterygium (pronounced “tur-RIDGE-ium”) is a non-cancerous thickening of the outer coating (conjunctiva) of the eye that grows onto the cornea. Normally the conjunctiva is a thin clear membrane over the ‘whites’ of the eye (sclera) and extends to the inner surface of the eyelids. When a pterygium is present, a fleshy mass is felt or seen on the conjunctiva. Commonly referred to as surfer’s eye, this type of growth can be dangerous because it can affect vision, cause the eye to be dry, and cause a poor appearance.
As a pterygium grows, it may become red and irritated. Larger growths may extend across the cornea. Often times, people report they feel as though something is in their eye a great deal of the time. Eventually, it may cause visual disturbances by disrupting the normally smooth surface of the cornea. In severe cases, a pterygium can entirely block a patient’s vision.
In mild cases, pterygium redness and discomfort can be controlled with lubricant eye drops (artificial tears). However, when symptoms of redness, irritation, or blurred vision are resistant to conservative treatment or when vision is affected by progressive growth of a pterygium, surgery is considered.
Learn More About Pterygium

Our goal is to help eyes look and feel good again.
The taking of this test and the results obtained in no way substitutes for a medical or diagnostic procedure.
Visionary Eye Doctors and EyeWhite Locations
High Point Center
26135 Ridge Road
Damascus, MD 20872
Rockville, Maryland
One Central Plaza
11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 1202
Rockville, MD 20852
Washington, DC
Van Ness Center
4301 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 125
Washington, DC 20008